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SAGE Record 076, Amrouni et al.

Amrouni, K. S., M. C. Pope, A. S. El-Hawat, A. Amer, and H. Allafi, 2022, Sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the Cyrenaican Miocene strata, Al-Jabal Al-Khdar Uplift and Soluq Trough, NE Libya: SAGE Record 076, 2 p., <http://sagetech.org/sage_record_076_amrouni_et_al/>. Oral presentation at SAGE/ESSL BIGEC 2022, 30 Aug.–01 Sept. 2022, Benghazi, Libya, and Online.

Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Cyrenaican Miocene Strata, Al-Jabal Al-Khdar Uplift and Soluq Trough, NE Libya

Khaled S. Amrouni, Michael C. Pope (Department of Geology and Geophysics, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas), Ahmed S. El-Hawat (Department of Earth Sciences, Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya), Aimen Amer (Schlumberger, Manama, Bahrain), and Hamzah Allafi (School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)

A sequence stratigraphic study of Miocene Ar-Rajmah Group rocks in the Cyrenaica carbonate platform, northeast Libya, extends from the northwestern part of Al-Jabal Al-Khdar southwards to the Soluq Trough. This sequence stratigraphic study involves detailed regional facies relationships from 29 measured stratigraphic sections extending for over 130 km in a strike direction, 14 spectral gamma-ray profiles, annotated panoramic digital photomosaics, and petrographic analysis of 501 hand samples and their thin sections. The sequence stratigraphic framework includes correlation of stratigraphic surfaces, and vertical facies stacking patterns.

The Miocene Ar-Rajmah Group carbonate rocks record two 2nd-order supersequences (97 m maximum thickness); six 3rd-order sequences, and 20 regionally correlative parasequences. The older 2nd-order supersequence contains only the shallowing upward highstand systems tract (HST), whereas the younger 2nd-order supersequence is complete containing a deepening upward transgressive systems tract (TST), and the shallowing upward highstand systems tract (HST). A sharp disconformity surface separates the HST of the older 2nd-order supersequence from the TST of the younger 2nd-order supersequence.  The older 2nd-order supersequence the lower Miocene Benghazi Formation, the younger 2nd-order sequence is the middle-upper Miocene Wadi Al-Qattarah Formation.

The HST of the older supersequence includes two 3rd-order sequences (S1 and S2), composed of coral reefs, porites, red algae (rhodoliths), and open marine skeletal packstone containing large bivalves, gastropods, oysters, and echinoids.  The TST of the younger 2nd-order supersequence records one 3rd-order sequence (S3) that has reworked red algae fragments at base, shallowing upward into bioclastic grainstone, capped by interbedded cross-bedded oolitic grainstone, microbialite, and evaporite associated with pelletal mudstone/packstone. Quartz sandstone and green shale occur in the upper part of this 3rd-order sequence. The HST of the younger supersequence includes three 3rd-order sequences (S4, S5, and S6), dominated by continuous bodies of oolitic grainstone and microbialite associated with some bioclastic carbonate, red algae, and pellets.