SAGE Record 007, Amrouni et al.
Amrouni, K. S., M. C. Pope, A. S. El-Hawat, S. S. El-Ekhfifi, H. S. El-Bargathi, A. A. Obeidi, A. Amer, and E. A. Elbileikia, 2022, Global and local geo-chemo-stratigraphic events in the Cyrenaican Miocene carbonate platform Ar-Rajmah Group (central Mediterranean), NE Libya: SAGE Record 007, 2p. + supplemental material, <>. Oral presentation at SAGE 2022, 23–25 March, Lafayette, Louisiana, and Virtual.
Global and Local Geo-Chemo-Stratigraphic Events in the Cyrenaican Miocene Carbonate Platform Ar-Rajmah Group (Central Mediterranean), NE Libya
Amrouni, Khaled S. (Department of Geology and Geophysics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX/Department of Earth Sciences, Garyounis University, Benghazi, Libya), Michael C. Pope, Ahmed S. El-Hawat, Ahmed M. A. Al-Alwani, Mohamed SH. Abdalla El-Jahmi, Hassan S. El-Bargathi, Adel A. Obeidi, Aimen Amer, Essa A. Elbileikia, and Salah S. El-Ekhfifi

One detailed field measured section A1 of 74 m thick selected out of 29 measured sections along 130 km distance to represent the Miocene Ar-Rajmah Group carbonate sequence in Cyrenaica, northeast Libya. It was sampled every 0.5 m for XRF trace and common elements analysis, whole rock stable isotope (δ18O, δ13C) chemostratigraphy, and thin sections petrographic analysis.
The Ar-Rajmah Group carbon isotope data indicates this unit preserves a record of almost the entire Miocene. The Cyrenaican Miocene carbonate succession is made up of two shallowing upward 2nd-order supersequences (SS1–SS2) that comprise six main 3rd-order sequences (S1–S6).
The XRF measured Ca wt% curve indicates three intervals of pronounced CaCO3 dissolution occurred: (1) within the Early Miocene coinciding with the flooding surface of 3rd-order sequence 1, (2) above the Early-Middle Miocene boundary, within the TST of the 2nd-order supersequence 2, and within the transgressive system tract of 3rd-order sequence 3, and (3) below the Middle-Late Miocene boundary, within the maximum flooding zone of the 2nd-order supersequences 2, and between 3rd-order sequences S3 and S4. These dissolution events are associated with positive excursions in the carbon isotope, and major transgressive events. In addition, in the Cyrenaican Miocene carbonate rocks there is a significant negative correlation between the CaCO3 amount and the δ18O values that might be related to the fluctuations in the siliciclastic influx.
The early Middle Miocene and late Middle Miocene CaCO3 dissolution events are global and recognized worldwide, whereas the Early Miocene CaCO3 dissolution event is local and recognized only in the Cyrenaican carbonate succession. All these dissolution events occurred in high porosity zones, based on thin sections petrographic analysis of the Cyrenaican carbonate rocks.
Amrouni, K. S., M. C. Pope, A. S. El-Hawat, S. S. El-Ekhfifi, H. S. El-Bargathi, A. A. Obeidi, A. Amer, and E. A. Elbileikia, 2022, Global and local geo-chemo-stratigraphic events in the Cyrenaican Miocene carbonate platform Ar-Rajmah Group (central Mediterranean), NE Libya: SAGE Record 007, supplemental video, <>. Oral presentation at SAGE 2022, 23–25 March, Lafayette, Louisiana, and Virtual.