SAGE Record 059, Vassilellis and Munoz
Vassilellis, G., and E. Munoz, 2022, Upstream integration for independents: SAGE Record 059, 1 p. + supplemental material, <>. Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists (SIPES) Lafayette Chapter keynote presentation at SAGE 2022, 23–25 March, Lafayette, Louisiana, and Virtual.
SIPES LAFAYETTE KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Upstream Integration for Independents
Vassilellis, George (Insight-Pegasus, The Woodlands, TX) and Ewert Munoz (Austral Integrated Services, Inc., Conroe, TX)

Probably unknown to the rest of the world, most of the oil and gas production in USA originates from independent oil companies, most of them in the states of Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. On the other end of the spectrum, there are less independents operating internationally and even less in Europe. One of the challenges that independents face is the staffing and mobilization needed to address technical challenges, regulatory hurdles, supply chain limitations and environmental transparency. Although 3rd parties, vendors, and consultancies can boost some operator’s resources, a robust operating model and experience is needed to manage their integration to deliver efficiency, reliability, and a dynamic decision-making process. This presentation goes through the basics of such an upstream integration, giving some insights on key technology approaches and how they can influence an operator’s bottom line, the team-building principles that ensure agility, continuous improvement and transparency between several stakeholders and finally going through an example of this approach in one of the most challenging projects overseas. In this example, a small team was able to uncover the potential of a giant onshore gas resource in Europe by executing a series of well interventions in old wellbores, enabling a new independent to succeed where several previous have failed, regardless the level of investment which they dedicated. The low cost and accelerated timeline are common benefits when an agile operating model like this is applied in other tech industries and has the potential empower and benefit independents as they must do more with less as technical and non-technical challenges are ‘trending’ against them.