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SAGE Record 048, Porter

Porter, D., 2022, Who owns the pore space? Legal and ethical debates for geologic sequestration of CO2: SAGE Record 48, 1 p. + supplemental material, <>. Keynote oral presentation at SAGE 2022, 23–25 March, Lafayette, Louisiana, and Virtual.


KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Who Owns the Pore Space? Legal and Ethical Debates for Geologic Sequestration of CO2

Porter, Dawn (Stratum Reservoir, Midland, TX)

Recent climate change initiatives have driven politicians, investors, and scientists to search exigently for CCUS and CCS opportunities. Paramount to the discussions are the viability factors of facilities (porosity, permeability, retention capability) as well as the economics around cost, carbon credits, and the rates of delivery while mitigating CO2 safely as an urgent business imperative. Looming legalities for the ownership of the void will challenge current case law in the pyretic battle for the lucrative compensation contingencies. Solving CO2 sequestration technical and legal challenges will require geoscientists’ expertise to craft the right solutions.

BIOGRAPHY: Dawn Porter is a professional geoscientist and landman with over 15 years of oil, gas, and energy experience. In her early career she was a professional skier and firefighter, studying Geological Engineering, then pivoted into the energy industry employing advanced geochemistry in real-time at the wellsite. She holds a BS in Technology Management and Earth Studies from UVU, an MBA from WGU-Texas and is a certified Registered Landman. She has worked in the upstream energy industry across technical roles in exploration, production, and oilfield services and works for Stratum Reservoir, an industry leader in rock, fluid, and stable isotope analysis for the energy, mining, and agricultural industries that can provide CCUS solutions. Her interests include food tourism, golfing, motorcycles, and forensic genetic genealogy. She recently served as a chair at the SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Symposium and keynoted at the 2022 NAPE AAPG workshop on Trends in Oil, Gas, and Energy: Assets, Data, Finance, Technology and spoke at the 2022 SPE/SEG/AAPG Energy in Data Conference. Her professional work centers around emerging technologies coupled with preservation of time-proven best practices.

Porter, D., 2022, Who owns the pore space? Legal and ethical debates for geologic sequestration of CO2: SAGE Record 048, 1 p., <>. Keynote oral presentation at SAGE 2022, 23–25 March, Lafayette, Louisiana, and Virtual.

Porter, D., 2022, Who owns the pore space? Legal and ethical debates for geologic sequestration of CO2: SAGE Record 048, supplemental material, 25 p., <>. Keynote oral presentation at SAGE 2022, 23–25 March, Lafayette, Louisiana, and Virtual.

Porter, D., 2022, Who owns the pore space? Legal and ethical debates for geologic sequestration of CO2: SAGE Record 048, supplemental video, <>. Keynote oral presentation at SAGE 2022, 23–25 March, Lafayette, Louisiana, and Virtual.